Sacred Wild Woman
LeAnne "Little Big Thunder" Feliciano
Imagine a place where the ancient ones greet you -- that place is where your Wild Self exists.
About Sacred Wild Woman
Sacred Wild Woman is the embodiment of the Sacred Wild, the Joyous and the Free, set to be unleashed as the pendulum swings from unhealed to healed!
Sacred Wild Work asks you to courageously unleash your joyous, wild side, revealing your authentic nature; reminding you, your wild side is about being truly alive and uninhibited. You hold the power to be freed from the past stresses, emotional, mental and physical traumas of life.
Curious about your communication style?
LeAnne offers an ILD Communication assessment in all of her service packages. Not ready for a package, but still want to know more about how to be successful while navigating in business and personal relationships, click "Let's get started" and take the quick assessment.